The date is 1998, You got called in one night at 3AM because of server issues.

You are stuck in a stuffy dark server room passing files between computers using a floppy disk that has a limited amount of space on it.

The new operating system is jankier than expected… Complete your tasks in time and explore all four possible endings.

Made by Sphess and KeWin with love and care.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, Android
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(29 total ratings)
AuthorBottom Hat
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Atmospheric, Creepy, First-Person, Horror, Ludum Dare 54, mascot-horror, Retro, Short, Singleplayer
LinksLudum Dare


BTB_WinX86 (jam version).zip 43 MB
BTB_POST-JAM (new version with fixes) 44 MB

Install instructions





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why is this in horror? clippy in 1998 was SO chill

Érdekes volt. De miközben mozgattam a kurzort elég gyakran máshova váltott, ezzel megnehezítve a haladást. Ez mellett nem mindig sikerült elsőre eltalálni, hogy hova kell bedugni a kártyát a gépbe. Ezektől eltekintve viszont nagyon jó volt.

Jó játék! Tetszett

Made a little YouTube Short of the gameplay hope you like it

Great game i got 3 endings not sure if there's a 4th ending but overall it was pretty good 

Deleted post




light switch doesn't really work for me. it was a bit odd that i had to copy the same files to the server i had already copied them before.

binder appears to be quite narcistic ;-)

Unfortunately, it's not that scary, but it's really good!😀

Sajnos nem annyira ijesztő de nagyon jó!😀

Great game, enjoyed it!!

This was a nice little game. It was a bit slow, and I expected a more horror atmosphere, but still solid development. I am not sure how to get other endings, but I may come back and try. Overall, great job on making the game, and keep up the solid work! Lots of potential here

Hint for other endings: Instead of accepting, try denying.

Deleted post

We're very sorry to hear this. We hope you'll be reunited soon.

I just finished this and I already have nightmares 🫣 😂

Thanks for playing! And sorry for the nightmares. 🗿

Lol. Thank you and also I'm never going to work again no matter if I'm broke or not and i am never using a binder



got the good ending the first time playing! YA

Good job! Thanks for playing!


For the Android version is a little bit zoom in there should be a zoom option

It might look a bit too zoomed in because of resolution differences. Other than that, the game is intended to look zoomed in as we have not touched the FOV settings.


I always ended up in brown void right on start :/

Hello! In which version does this occur in and what is your device / specs?

Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz; 4Gb RAM; Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 and NVIDIA GeForce GT 710

New version


Is the flashlight error for Android, I can't light anything, and this game doesn't have many horror things that I can find apart from a few random sounds and ambiance in the server room
(1 edit)

Yeah this definitely is an issue we've never seen before. May I ask what device you were using and what software is running on it? (Android wise)


It has some potential but the jumpscare is lackluster. other than that, great game!


This was a neat IT scary game! Thanks to the creator I had a blast while making it.

Thanks for playing!




Quick question, Does the jumpscare count as an ending?

Yes it does!


TLDR: 2 bugs, One with faulty camera that spins randomly, one with the correct file downloading, but turning into a different file on the server (and not counting for the diagnosis)

So, I wasn't sure that this was part of the game. But it got frustrating so i ended up getting an ending that resulted in me getting fired, just so that I could start over

I was downloading and uploading files, but at one point (only after maybe 3 or 4 uploads) it started to where I would download lets just say the didza (that was the first file this happened to me with) and then when i would go put it onto the server, it turned into the twenty file, even though on the disk it still said didza. This happened for several files (I then did the file twenty, and it turned into some completely other file) and then i would still need to put the correct file on, or the diagnosis wouldn't change

Once I went back in, and started it again, it seems to be working correctly.

I'm on the web version btw.

Oh, one more annoying bug, the camera is glitchy, especially around corners, its almost like I hit a corner and then the camera spins around so i'm looking the opposite way, even with mouse sesitivity below .50

I got 3 endings, and killed by ben (so I guess, technically 4 endings? lol)

Anyways, I wanted to see what the virus would do to me. So, after I completed it fully (after making ben mad) I decided to make him mad again, and let the virus take me... Only theres an issue I ran into. 

The first time I got through it after making him mad, it took only 1 maybe 2 server visits for him to start sending a virus, which was annoying (since I DIDN'T want it lol)

When I actually WANTED a virus on the next play through, I didn't get one until after I finished the VERY last request lmao, also, that was the only playthrough where I saw Ben a total of once. Scared the shit out of me because I wasn't prepared though lmao (since I had gotten through it three times already, without seeing him XD

Talk about horrible luck lmao

Hello! Glad to hear the issues you ran into were quite minimal (Although the files breaking does sound quite substantial we're glad it was fixed by an easy restart). It would seem that you have gotten all 4 endings then, congratulations! 

To break down the AI of Ben a little bit, it is COMEPLETELY dependent on luck. After angering him, there's an around 70% chance that he will spawn with every file transfer you do. After he spawns in one of the vents, he will hang around for about 15-20 seconds, then go away and send a virus onto the main terminal. If you do notice him however, you scare him away, thus preventing the virus. I hope this clears some things up. :)

Ah! That makes so much sense then! I only scared him away that one time (even though i'm pretty sure he scared me much more lmao) and so the rest of the times, I heard the vent, but didn't see anything (but I might have been too slow, or looked the wrong way, etc. 

Anyways, the game was fun! Thanks for making it <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Very funny Clipp- I mean Binder game lmao, good game!

Thanks for playing!


Yo, quick question. How do you transfer files? Am I missing an instruction or just dumb


Never mind, didn't realize the computer in the starting room was a thing.


Would love to play this, but says it's not compatible with my device (Google Pixel 7 Pro)

Hi! Sorry to hear you're unable to play the game. Does this error message show up when trying to install the .apk file?

Yeah, when I try to install it says it's not compatible with my device.

Also, no need to be sorry. With the multitude of devices out there,  I imagine it's not an easy task to have it work on everything. 

Hello again! We've looked into the issue and it seems to us, that the Pixel 7 pro apparently locked their phone to only be able to run 64-bit applications? Anyways, our game is packaged in 32-bits which is the reason why this issue persists. I'd suggest giving the game a shot on a computer. Sorry for the incovenience!

Oh wow thanks so much for looking into that. I will check it out on my PC!


Amazing job on this one, I got some great gameplay and fun out of it, and even made a dope clip out of one scene! Great work, really! Its the Third game in this video btw!

Thanks for playing! Great and entertaining video!


Im really looking forward to more from the team!


i cant exit the computer?

Hello! In which version of the game does this issue occur in? Also what is your screen's resolution?


its fine, i didn't know you had to press e


Great game! Only found two endings, how do I get the rest?

Thank you for playing! The 4 endings conclude. (will make this a long comment so if someone doesn't want them to be spoiled they can just choose not to open up the rest.)

  • beating the game while angering Ben
  • beating the game while NOT angering Ben
  • spamming the interact on the exit door
  • letting the virus get you and dying

Clippy - uh, I mean Ben - jumpscared me and put me out of bounds!


We're just as confused as you are, which version of the game is this? 


Post-Jam version.


That... is quite weird? None of us can replicate the issue present on your screenshot sadly.

The same thing happened to me, I think it gets bugged when it scares you and you're inside a computer.




Thanks! :D


It was lovely

Thanks for playing and posting content about our game!


Made a gameplay.


Thanks for playing! We love seeing content of our small projects. :)


fasza játék

Thanks! :)


The game is cool, environment is creepy but I want you to add jumpscares at some point, Ben never shows up. I rarely spot him coming down through the vents. Idea is good but just copy and pasting data from one server to another makes the game boring because you know nothing is going to happen or kill us. Maybe add something like when we copying data also we should check out vents. Just sharing my opinion to make this masterpiece event more horrifying. 😉

Thanks for playing! Checking out the vents during copying was our plan, but the vents ended up being too scattered around sadly. Thanks for the feedback! There is a post-jam separate version coming with a bunch of fixes and QOL changes!

Thanks for your efforts. :) 


Hello! There's a huge bug involving transfering files onto my hard drive in-game. Whenever I do that, this happens:

The hard drive would gain some data, but the file name wouldn't be visible. Said file name would also still be in the right sometimes.

An even WORSE bug involves files being straight-up missing, especially after fixing the first server.. For example, let's say that Server 5 needs the file FIREWALL.EXE.

I go to the file transfer to get the data, and it isn't visible at all!

This is a HORRIBLE bug, and I hope you'll fix both this and the previously mentioned one in a future update.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! Thank you for playing! We're sorry to hear you couldn't progress due to a game breaking issue. A post-jam update is on its way. Although we're not yet sure what the cause of the issue is, we will do extensive testing to ensure that the game won't be left in this state. Thank you for reporting! 

Could you perhaps give us a description in how we could recreate the aforementioned issue?

Ok, so I was replaying the game, capturing footage. One of the servers needed FIREWALL.EXE, so I downloaded that program onto the floppy disk. After realizing that I forgot to get the floppy (a personal problem, for me), I put it into the server computer and...

there's nothing on it. Sure, the data is on it, but it seems like the firewall program got wiped out from existence!

So, anyways, that's how to recreate the bug.


Yes, we were able to recreate the issue, thank you for the report. The team is working on getting a separate post-jam version out that completely fixes this issue. It should only take a small amount of time. Will definitely be done by tomorrow morning! 

(1 edit) (+1)

31 Days of Halloween Indie Games | Bend the Binder | Spooky Indie Game Series - YouTube

I tried your demo, and I was thoroughly impressed! I even shared a video about it on my YouTube channel for you to take a look at.

Thanks for playing! Sadly the video is private :/

 Bummer I wanted to see the reactions! 

Should be fixed now, Sorry about that! Set it to tomorrow by mistake, but should be viewable now :) 

Deleted 129 days ago

Yup, ez nem lesz javítva mivel egy jam játék, de tudunk róla.


I really loved it. Its very creative for the Ludum Dare :)

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!


Nagyon tetszett!



I really liked this game! It was pretty creepy and it kept me on edge every time I heard a vent! I found one of the possible endings, but I'll definitely go back and look for the rest! Awesome job!


Thanks for playing! I'm glad to hear the atmosphere worked out and you had a good time! 


Most definitely! Thank you for making such a fun game!

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